2010년 7월 28일 수요일

World mission society Church of God , Ahnsahnghong , Heavenly mother , God the mother - Even thoght a diffrent laungege,But the one through the music

Even though we have a diffrent laungege ,
But we are the one through the music :)

World mission society Church of God Messiah orchestra hold a concert in dae-jeon

Messiah orchestra members are playing ' a missed Mt.Geumgang '

World mission society Church of God Messiah orchestra finished the concert that was with about 320 foreigner and about 10,000 citizen of dae-jeon on last 6th in dae-jeon.

Specially We could feel the globalization of Chungcheong-do because the 44th Foreigner saints visiters ( from 21 nations : Italia , England , Franch , Denmark , Spain , Netherlands , US , Russia ... etc) participate in this festival.

The Church of God says that it served as the impetus to change the belief from only God the Father to God the mother for that by 44th foreigner visiter .

And then The bible testifies about the existence of God the mother more then 2500 times , So they say we have to belive God the mother.

Church of God Messiah orchestra had the concert as 10th for Haiti , 11th for chile .

World mission society Church of God - http://english.watv.org

World mission society Church of God , We belive God the mother as well as God the Fahter.

Wolrd mission society Church of God, We belive Christ Ahnsahnghong who came to the earth as second coming chirst , and Heavenly mother.

Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly mother is our savior in this age.

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