2010년 8월 13일 금요일

Wolrd mission Church of God , Heavenly mother - The forgivess of sins. - 2

World mission societh Church of God , We believe Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heaveny mother(God the mother).

World mission societh Church of God that believe christ Ahnsahnghong and God the mother , We keep the sabbath day and the passover according to the bible's teaching .

The secret of the forgiveness of sin and Christ Ahnsahnghong - 2

So as you see , we were angels who was in the kingdom of heaven before being born here.
Then Why are we live here leaving glorious heaven ?

Let's see through the bible.

(Nk 22:10) For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.

Jesus chirst said " I came to this earth from heaven to seek and save what was lost.
Then who are the lost ?

(Mt 9:13) ... For I have not come to call the righteous , but sinners.

Here we can understand Jesus chirst came to this earth to call the sinners.
That means what was lost is who ? sinner !
Then who are the sinners?

(Rom 6:23) For the wages of sin is death .

Through the bible we can understand the wages of sin is death.
Otherwises the cause of death is what ? sin !!
Then there anybody who doesn't die ? no !!
That means all men who destine to die are sinner .
We are the sinners!

Then because of which sin should we die ?

Becasue of the sin that we committed in this earth ?
Let's suppose !
Yesterday one baby was born. But the baby died today.
Then the baby died because of what ? sin !
Then do you think the bible can commit any sin only for 24 hours ?
It doesn't make sense !!

So we can understand we should die because of our sin that we committed in kingdom of heaven .
So this earth is like a spiritual prison . That's why we have always trouble , sorrow and pain than happiness and joy.

Then what kind of sin did we commit ?

Let's suppose !
In this earth , If you rob something , What happen to you ?
Maybe go to jail .
Then What if you kill somebody ? what happen ?
put to death ! right ?

Then the wages of our sin is death. That means we committed grave sins againt God in kingdom of heaven.

Because of that we should destine to die.
But How can we go back to our home , the kingdom of Heaven.
Because of sins , we came here !
That means without sins we can go back to heaven. So If we get the forgiveness of sins we can enter the kingdom of heaven.

If you know the way to have the forgiveness of sins will you take it ?

Then what is the way to have forgivenss of sins?

World mission society Church of God , Ahnsahonghong , Heavenly mother , God the mother : http://english.watv.org

댓글 2개:

  1. I give thanks to Elohim who came down to this sinful world to save us, sinner.

  2. God bless you^^

    I am surprised after visit your site

